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Money and Power; The True Amplifiyer!

Money and power bring out the true nature of an individual.

The man who is wealthy, powerful, and yet humble, is so because humility flows in him. Real people of means are humble; they don’t make noise.

Money and power are Amplifiers!

I often tell people that money and power bring out the hidden nature of an individual.

The man who became arrogant because he suddenly became rich and powerful, was arrogant even before his new status. He was arrogant but because the riches and power had not come, his true personality will naturally be hidden from people. His real personality will be amplified once the sudden money and power come in! Empty pocket has a way of humbling proud people.

True wealth, fame or power makes no noise. I have encountered a lot of humble people of means. They are wealthy, yet they prefer to stay calm and modest. I have also seen light featherweights who prefer to throw themselves around like heavyweights!

Humility is one of the greatest virtues. It is priceless. It’s a good prayer point to always pray for the spirit of humility.

Arrogance benefits no one.

You see, the tanker filled with water is always calm; it doesn’t make noise. The one that is empty makes the loudest noise. Try the experiment today. Try to push a tanker filled with water. It won’t move. Do the same experiment on an empty tank and see how the whole neighborhood will feel the noisy!
Emptiness is too loud. Substance is calm. Think about it.

Real wealth, substance, or capacity, has a way of humbling people.

Prominence resides inside. Truth need not be proved. The Society knows the real Champions. Nobody fakes the original copy for a long time. Time reveals.

I think everyone needs to pass through the school of life. The school of life teaches humility. Humility is an irrefutable virtue that never fails. A lot of people have failed because of arrogance.

Character is the real wealth.

My favorite quote from Bob Marley is, “Some people are so poor, all they have is money.” Deep!

May wisdom lead.

George O. Emetuche, CES
Convener, Nigeria Sales Conference.

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